Supporting our troops

I have a cousin attached to the 226th Medical Battalion and he was just sent to Iraq. Since I work in the computer gaming industry I was thinking of some games to send him to help pass the time. It occurred to me that the games I worked on would be difficult for him to enjoy in the environment he will be in. It was then I thought of the WizKids series of Clix games (I play Mechwarrior:Dark Age). The Clix games are social, the units can be passed around and all that is needed to play are the rules, a ruler and some dice. In short they were perfect for traveling and playing nearly anywhere. Combine the portability of the units and you have an ideal way to pass the free time a soldier has.

At the next tournament I attended I pitched the idea of donating Clix units to the troops and asked if anyone would be willing to toss a few units into the care package. The response was overwhelming and I walked out with over 100 units to send that day. This was a great response and I reasoned that if enough people knew about this effort we could reach more troops than I could alone.

I am asking for any game pieces from any Wizkids game. They will be packaged with their appropriate rules and support materials and then sent to the 226th Medical Battalion Logistics stationed in Baghdad. The pieces will be used by anyone in the unit (Battalion strength is close to 1,000) and it will be requested that they get passed on when the troops rotate back to Germany.

As a veteran of the US Army I recognize how difficult a distant deployment can be on the soldiers. This is an effort to relieve some of the boredom, loneliness and stress associated with such a deployment. This is a nonpolitical site and I hope how you feel about the action in Iraq will not color your decision to help if you can.

One last fact: there is no organizational sponsor. I am nothing but a private citizen with a family member over seas. As such I can offer you no compensation for your generosity. However I will post all people who donate on the Donor List.

If you would like to help support our troops please review the Shipping Information page for shipping information. Send a note to if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you for your support!

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